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Environmental data analytics & remote sensing water quality observatory

Environmental data analytics & remote sensing water quality observatory

Environmental data analytics & remote sensing water quality observatory

Obtain water quality insights and design regenerative strategies.

Obtain water quality insights and design regenerative strategies.

Obtain water quality insights and design regenerative strategies.

Environmental data analytics & remote sensing water quality observatory

Obtain water quality insights and design regenerative strategies.

"Worsening Water Quality reduces economic growth. GDP in downstream regions drops by as much as 1/3 because of impacts on health, agriculture, and ecosystems".

World Bank

The Impact of Water Quality on GDP Growth Evidence from around the World

"Worsening Water Quality reduces economic growth. GDP in downstream regions drops by as much as 1/3 because of impacts on health, agriculture, and ecosystems".

World Bank

The Impact of Water Quality on GDP Growth Evidence from around the World

Identifying critical points that require an increase in water quality, furthermore, anticipating water security scenarios will improve large-scale hydric management that sustains several chains of value (water distribution infrastructure, coastal supply chains, agriculture, aquaculture, and other relevant use cases) and, as a result, handles the climate change challenges we face.

Identifying critical points that require an increase in water quality, furthermore, anticipating water security scenarios will improve large-scale hydric management that sustains several chains of value (water distribution infrastructure, coastal supply chains, agriculture, aquaculture, and other relevant use cases) and, as a result, handles the climate change challenges we face.

High precision multispectral satellite imagery analysis

High accuracy+ revisiting frequency+ high spatial resolution to analyze any water body in the world.

Estimate the most relevant water quality parameters

Just select your area of interest, date range ad choose the physical-chemical parameter you´re interested in.

Reducing the complexity of

Applied AI for geo-analysis

We simplify the workflow to achieve the results that usually require steeper learnign curves.

Meaningful costs & time reduction

Conventional methodologies imply lab analysis, research and large financial resources. Our automation can reduce the average budget of this projects up to 70%.

Remote sensing water quality specialized algorithms

Leverage our own algorithms focused in water quality and other key environmental parameters.

Actionable insights

Obtain recommendations on critical actions to follow through the knowledge of our regenerative network.

"Worsening Water Quality reduces economic growth. GDP in downstream regions drops by as much as 1/3 because of impacts on health, agriculture, and ecosystems".

World Bank

The Impact of Water Quality on GDP Growth Evidence from around the World

Identifying critical points that require an increase in water quality, furthermore, anticipating water security scenarios will improve large-scale hydric management that sustains several chains of value (water distribution infrastructure, coastal supply chains, agriculture, aquaculture, and other relevant use cases) and, as a result, handles the climate change challenges we face.

High precision multispectral satellite imagery analysis

High accuracy+ revisiting frequency+ high spatial resolution to analyze any water body in the world.

Estimate the most relevant water quality parameters

Just select your area of interest, date range ad choose the physical-chemical parameter you´re interested in.

Reducing the complexity of

Applied AI for geo-analysis

We simplify the workflow to achieve the results that usually require steeper learnign curves.

Meaningful costs & time reduction

Conventional methodologies imply lab analysis, research and large financial resources. Our automation can reduce the average budget of this projects up to 70%.

Remote sensing water quality specialized algorithms

Leverage our own algorithms focused in water quality and other key environmental parameters.

Actionable insights

Obtain recommendations on critical actions to follow through the knowledge of our regenerative network.

How our tools can help companies and institutions to reach their environmental goals

How our tools can help companies and institutions to reach their environmental goals

How our tools can help companies and institutions to reach their environmental goals

The capacity of constant physical-chemical monitoring, reporting, verification, and accountability of the health of the oceans & waterbodies is key to achieve a healthier equilibrium, this can be finally measurable with

a high degree of reliability. Get a qualitative &

quantitative measurement of the most

relevant Water quality parameters.

The capacity of constant physical-chemical monitoring, reporting, verification, and accountability of the health of the oceans & waterbodies is key to achieve a healthier equilibrium, this can be finally measurable with

a high degree of reliability. Get a qualitative &

quantitative measurement of the most

relevant Water quality parameters.


WATER QUALITY parameters


WATER QUALITY parameters



Get a reliable estimation and a semaphor of

the water quality for any inland, coastal

water body or industrial reservoir.

Get a reliable estimation and a semaphor of

the water quality for any inland, coastal

water body or industrial reservoir.



Get a reliable estimation and a semaphor of

the water quality for any inland, coastal

water body or industrial reservoir.

generate reports

for decision making

Share the insights with your organization

Complement the insights with technological, organizational, regulatory, environmental knowledge

from our experts.





Make projections of the water quality

with a robust data dashboard.

Make projections of the water quality

with a robust data dashboard.

Make projections of the water quality

with a robust data dashboard.


Get deeper knowledge of your area of interest. Through local data & remote sensing




Get strategic recommendations on a sustainable or regenerative framework. Several countries offer fiscal incentives for reducing or mitigating their impact on waterbodies.

Current study cases

Our Water quality-based satellite imagery analysis methodology has been validated in study cases in Latin American water bodies, correlating spectrography field calibrations and satellite data The main parameters were: electric conductivity, dissolved organic matter, Chlorophyll, dissolved Oxygen, Suspended solids, total Nitrogen, Nitrates, Nitrites, Phosphates. Moreover, an agreement of collaboration (further scientific review of the methodology and project proposal) with INAPESCA, a top LATAM institution of aquaculture, fishery, and the coastal regulator has signed a agreement to oversee Oracular´s regulatory compliance. 







Cuyután, Mexico

Cuyutlán, Mexico


EutrophiCation in energy complex

Phytoplankton Concentration

Sian Kaán, Mexico

Turbidity &

In the waterbodies of the

reserve of the biosphere

up to 97% accuracy

Reserva de la Biosfera Sian Ka an, Mexico

Trophic state, oxygenation

Oil spills analysis, different regions

Oil spills

Commited to the

Sustainable Developmet Goals

Oracular´s Prioritary SDG´s

As part of our mission we aim to contribute to help companies, organizations, governments and NGOs to achieve the conditions to facilitate the generalized access to clean water to the population and innovate for improving the de-salinisation, de-contamination ad fair distribution of water.

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Oracular © 2023